Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Favorite Color Is Pink Anyway

"Live like there's no tomorrow"... Oh to throw my cares to the wind and  live carefree! I'd do everything I've ever wanted to do, consequences be damned!

"Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one." ... Well, let's go to Vegas, baby! ... and put it all on red!  Let's just party  today, because tomorrow may never come!

"Eat, drink, and be merry, lest tomorrow we die."
... Oh yeah!! live it up, my friends, because tomorrow we will all be dead!

That all sounds AWESOME!  So...

What happens if tomorrow ...... we aren't  dead?

We actually  DO wake up the next morning , the world hasn't ended and we  just put everything on red! EVERYTHING ...on RED!? ... and now there's another DAY to get through?!

... and that's why,  I plan on  tomorrow, because chances are, the sun will come up, and I'll have to face another day.  I can only hope that I planned it well enough that it will go smoothly.  If not,  chances are fairly high, that the sun will dawn again the next day and I'll get another chance to get it right.

I believe in tomorrow, I think that makes me an optimist.  I believe there IS a future, and if I know where I want to end up,  I'll know what path I'll need to take to get there.

I may look like an old fuddy-duddy, by playing it safe .... and by using words like "fuddy-duddy"... but at least if/when I wake up tomorrow  I'll be glad I planned,  and didn't put it all on red.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

We can send a man to the moon, but....

I love onion rings. I hardly ever eat them because I'm not sure that dipping something  in batter and then frying it,  is the healthiest  way to get my daily dosage of vegetables, but when I feel like indulging... I luv me some onion rings.

However, I have a hard time eating them.
"Why?", you ask? Because I am forced to eat them with  a fork and knife.
"Why?", you ask? Because I have to cut them into little pieces in order to eat them.
"Why?", you ask? Because there has yet to be an onion ring invented that doesn't pull out of it's yummy, crispy, shell when you bite into it! 
"WHY?!", ... is what I'M asking!

How can this be?! It's the 21st century and this is AMERICA! Maybe if they were cut thinner, or cooked longer. I dont know.  I just know that the way its being done now is an atrocity and an affront to humanity.  Surely, it can't be THAT hard to figure out how to make an eatable onion ring.  I just want to be able to pick one up, take a bite, and not have an entire ring of onion hanging out of my mouth. It's not rocket science.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Channeling My Inner Andy Rooney

Is it just me, or do you also think people who cross the street as slow as possible deserve to be hit? I am talking about the punk-ass kids who not only walk slow, but who barely move at all.  The ones that, in a race with a sloth, would loose.  The ones who are wearing the Vans shoes; two-sizes too big, half-way down the butt, pants; over-sized hoody zip (black, of course, in 80 degree-plus weather), and  wearing earphones so they can tune out and pretend to not see you. 

I was at a light trying to turn right while all the little punks from the high school were crossing the road to get to school, which I guess, is a good thing.  They all barely got to the other side of the road in time, except for two people;  Mr Punk-Ass, and Little-old-lady, who's about 125.  Little-Old-Lady was doing her darndest to get across that street.  Mind you, this is an 8 lane road, and she was "running" to get to the other side, all the while, she was waving, apologizing to every car that was stopped, she was the sweetest thing! ....Not Punk-Ass,  he was walking so slow, that he couldn't get to the halfway mark before his time was up. Little-Old-Lady PASSED Punk-Ass and beat him to the other side!  Major fail, Punk-Ass, MAJOR.

I think this punk-ass attitude shows a complete disrespect and lack of consideration to other people. This attitude of, "it's all about me" really ought to be nipped in the bud early. If he moves that slow, there is no way he makes it to classes.  That means he wont graduate, which means he cant get a good job, which means he will be a punk-ass for the rest of his life... and yes, I can tell ALL that just by the way he crosses the street.

I think that instead of stopping and waiting for them to cross,  we ought to have the right, ..nay DUTY, to run them over.  Come on, if they can pretend not to see us, can't we pretend not to see them?  No? How about if we just nick them?.... a slight nudge?.... a gentle push?.... darn.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We Have Rights Too!

There are few things in this world that make me smile like when I see a cute pair of shoes.  I really like shoes.  I don't have a a lot because I am required to actually walk in said shoes, so they have to be comfortable, but a cute pair of shoes just makes me happy. 

However, COMFORTABLE shoes, are NOT cute.  No, only the completely uncomfortable, foot-disfiguring,  squeezed-on, the higher-the-heel-the-better, shoe is cute.  What's a girl to do?  I happen to be into high-heeled boots now.  I just LOVE over-the-knee boots, except that I am tall so, "over-the-knee" means "almost-to-the-knee".  I finally found some that folded over, but if I don't fold them, they go to "just-over-the-knee".   I was also able to find some thigh-high boots that actually reached my thigh!  Luv luv luv them!  Of course, these boots have, at least, a 4 inch heel, so I have to really think about whether to wear them.  Will I have to walk far?  Will I be able to sit down, once I get there?  These are important things to consider before one embarks on a cute-boot wearing expedition.

Which brings me to my point.  I think we need to demand a special parking permit for high-heel-wearing people.  I'm not saying it has to be free. I would gladly pay for the privilege of parking closer to any establishment if it meant I could wear my heels.  I mean, come on, if you have a scooter, do you REALLY need the up-front parking spots?!  Actually, if I had a scooter, I could wear my heels anytime/any place I want!  I'd just ride around in my scooter and look cute in my cute boots! .... Ok, maybe not.

So, whoever said "these boots were meant for walking" was obviously not talking about mine, but if I am able to sit, I have some awesome boots that would look super cute!
As requested.... my "just-over-the-knee" boots

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Love Arizona

  • Somewhere between 112 and 117, it gets hot.
  • "South Mountain", is still called "South Mountain" even if you are to the south of it.
  • The highway system is THE highway system.  They refer to their highways as "THE" 101, or "THE" 202, as if there ARE no others, and if there are, they are NOT worth calling "THE".
  • If you keep your A/C at 78, people think you're crazy for keeping your home so cold.
  • "South Mountain" is called a "mountain"  but it's really more like a huge pile of rocks. "South Huge Rock Pile" just didn't sound right, I guess.
  • Things have Spanish names, so they sound fancy, but if you know Spanish you realize that it's just what it is, ...except in Spanish.  Like, there is a tree that has green leaves and a green trunk, it's called "Palo Verde" or "green tree" in Spanish.  Come to think of it, "Montana del Sur" might have worked better for "South Mountain"
  • Many things can kill you here.  Snakes, scorpions, all sorts of spiders, carpenter bees, African killer bees, coyotes, a wild cat of some sort, and the always scary but lovable, senior citizen driver.... Don't start with me,  YOU know I'm right.  THE roads are nice and wide though, so you can give them a couple lanes.
  • When other vehicles cause you to drive down THE highway at 60mph instead of 70mph, it's called "traffic".
  • When you say you are from "Washington" you will be asked, "DC or state?"  to this you must answer "State". .... Unless you ARE from Washington DC, in which case, you really should be saying "I'm from Washington DC" from the beginning, thus eliminating the need to ask "DC or State", ....come to think of it..... IDK why they ask......
  • Canada jokes are met with confused looks.
  • I was almost eaten by a sewer roach.
  • Someday I hope to head west on THE 60 and see what kind of rocks they have at "South Mountain". I bet they'll have "piedra blanca", "piedra roja", the illusive "piedra negra", and maybe even some "piedra grande"!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Enough Already

I was always made to feel like I was never enough.
never thin enough,
nice enough,
confident enough,
perky enough,
tall enough,
short enough,
smart enough,
pretty enough,
"natural" enough,
driven enough,
cool enough,
fast enough,
quick enough, 
funny enough,
Christian enough,
worked-out enough,
ate enough,
dieted enough,
listened to the right music enough,
organized enough,
cleaned the house enough,
drove well enough,
spoke well enough,
took care of the kids, house, businesses enough,
young enough,
loved enough,
talked things out enough,
needed someone else enough,
given enough.

Maybe I could've done more, but didn't.  Maybe that was truly all I could've done. Either way, I was who I was and that's the way it turned out.

Truth is, I'm tired. I'm tired of trying to be enough for everyone. I don't like being made to feel like I'm not enough.  So, from here on out, I've decided,  I would like to be enough,... but if I'm not, that's ok.  I am enough for me.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

These are the Best of Times, These are the Worst of Times.......

I just got a new job.  YAY ME!!  I haven't had a "real" job in 20 years.  After owning my own business for that whole time, it is really weird having to ask for permission to do things. "Shall I log in now?",  I'll be taking the garbage out, if anyone is looking for me.", and my personal favorite... "Is is ok if I run to the bathroom?", and I do it all with a smile on my face.  It is downright odd to be low-man-on-the-totem-pole, after being the queen-bee for so long.  I really like my new job.  I've never worked in the restaurant business and I wanted to see if I liked it... and I DO!!  I love the running around and cleaning off tables.  I love greeting people and seating them.  I love the "behind the scenes" chaos that is the kitchen. I love the interaction with all the staff.  There's a kid that looks like Ricky Martin, and a cook that looks like Emiril, AND even a kid that looks like Barack Obama  (who is from Hawaii!!!--I want to see HIS birth certificate!!), we call him "El Presidente". 

You know what I DON'T like..........  I'm the oldest person there!!  UGH!!!!  Even the GM is younger than I am!!  Thank God the owner is older, but not by much!!!  I guess the old ego isn't as confident as I thought it would be!  I love the job, but I feel a little like a looser when people ask if I'm the owner, or the manager..... if I were to tell them the truth I would say, "no, I'm just a single mom trying to start over and, dammit, DON'T JUDGE ME!!!"., of course,... I would say it with a smile on my face.  Really though, I'm judging myself, which, even though I'm happy that I am working on getting my life back together... I feel slightly embarrassed that I am where I am, and in the situation that I let myself get into.  I am now serving people that used to be my employees, or neighbors that used to come to my house and watch us shoot off  $500,00 worth of fireworks every 4th of July.  This is when I tell myself, "stand up straight, swallow your pride, do your job, and, oh yeah,... smile", and if they snicker at me, behind my back, as I walk away from them, so be it.  I'll let karma take care of them.

I don't know what the future will bring.  All I know is that right now, I am happier than I have been in a long time, ... maybe ever. Although, I may sometimes feel overwhelmed,  regretful at the loss of prosperity, and feel a little like a loser, that's OK, because I also realize, that right now, I am taking the first step of a 1500 mile journey, and I believe, that when I get to the end of my journey, I will look back on this time and say, "it was my finest hour".....and I will probably still be smiling.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Like It or Not

It's hard to imagine that it has been ten years.  My daughters were 9 and 6.  My son hadn't even been born yet.  It's one of those things that you wonder about.  The 'why's" and "what if's" of life.  This year marks the 10th Anniversary of that fateful day.  This day affected me like no other.  I remember sitting in horror, wondering if I had just imagined it, hoping it was one of those nightmares from which you awaken to realize none of it was true.  It was, however, all too true.  Like it or not, when I woke up that morning, I had a brother, when that day was over, I didn't.  How does one get over that?

Granted, I believe he continues to live, and that I do, in fact, still have a brother, but in this physical world,  I don't.  There was a lot of, "He's with God now", and "He's in a better place", and "He was so cool, God wanted him"..... but the one that got me the most was, "God must have needed him".  See, I just don't think God NEEDS anyone.  Why does God need a diesel/tank/car mechanic?  I just think that if God needs his tanks fixed, that perhaps Michael or Gabriel could figure it out. Just sayin'.  I'm pretty sure that my brother's kids needed him more than God did. Don't get me wrong, his kids are great kids, and their mom did an awesome job by herself,  but I'm sure there have been times when they needed him more than God has.  Still, whatever the reason,  at least I know I will get to talk to him again.

My brother wasn't perfect.  He would not have agreed with that statement, but if he has a problem with it, I'm sure he will set me straight.  He was, however, my brother, and I loved him.  I remember an incident from 2nd grade.  I had gotten a brand new Mickey Mouse umbrella.  I LOVED this umbrella!  It was clear plastic except for the Mickey Mouse decal... it was so AWESOME!!  I was so happy it was raining that day because that meant I could take my umbrella to school.  We walked to school, so I REALLY needed to take it.  Well, as I was walking home, these 3 boys started bothering me,  They were much older than I was.... like 11.  They started saying bad words  and chasing me.  My brother saw this, ran over, and started beating on these guys, but it was three on one, so he looked for some sort of weapon to use.  That's when he grabbed my precious umbrella right out of my hands. He started swinging it at them like a madman!  All the while I'm crying and screaming. Finally, they scattered, and he turned to me, handed me what was left of my umbrella and said, "go home!".  I turned and ran all the way home, crying the whole while.  When Mom asked, "what happened?' I proceeded to "tell" on him, I told the WHOLE story about how he RUINED my umbrella.  I remember the look on his face when he walked in the door and heard me complaining to Mom.  Thinking back on that, I realize that, of course, he did what he was supposed to do-defend his little sister. I always kind-of felt bad about not acknowledging that to him...... I never did get a replacement umbrella though. 

I miss him.  It's like a burn.  Just when you think it's ok, you take that finger out of the cold stream of water,  and it begins to burn again.  And just when you think it's healed, you take a warm shower and it begins to sting again, reminding you of what happened.  It really does feel like it happened yesterday, but it has been TEN years. May 21, 2001.  To most of you,  there will come a day where, when you wake up in the morning you will  have a brother (sister/mother/father/daughter/son/friend), but by day's end, you wont.   That pain, that ache, that nightmare, will always be attached to you, it will always be just below the surface, just ready to show itself.  All it takes is one stray memory, one familiar scent, one found picture that you didn't realize had fallen behind the shelves. It is then, you will realize that you don't "get over" it, you "get through" it... you survive it, like it or not.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Arnold's Promise to the Philippines

There are times when I feel sorry for everyone else because I have the best little boy in the whole world and you guys all have to settle for second-best.  Today was one of those days when I thought, "wow, sucks to be you!"

I was sitting in the living room with my son and his friend.  They were watching TV and  I was doing something very important on my phone-- like checking Facebook or something.  When I hear this conversation:

My Son:  Oh cool!  look at him!
Kid:  Who is that?
My Son: That's General Patton!

I look up to see that there is a commercial on TV where they were showing pictures of what I thought were WWII allied leaders.

My Son: ...and that's ...ummmm
(Turns to me)
My Son:  Who's is that again?
Me:  Isn't that Montgomery?
My Son:  Montgomery????  NO... that's the Philippines general,  the one that said, "I shall return".... Mac....
Kid: (interrupting) THE TERMINATOR!!!

So, at this point, I manage to say, "MacArthur"  but I'm laughing so hard that I can barely breathe.  Turns out it was a commercial for the Army, showing pictures of different AMERICAN military leaders (Montgomery was British, for those of you from BBS). So, although I should be embarrassed that my 8 year old son knows the difference between Montgomery and MacArthur better than I do,  I feel PRE-TTY darn good about myself compared to the neighbor kid. 

So, next time your kid is singing the song to "sponge-bob, square pants" word-for-word, you can think to yourself, "hey, second best is still pretty good".  Nothing but love, my friends.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fool me once....

To this day, I'm a very naive person.  I believe things people tell me.  April fool's day has always been my most hated of days.   I am ALWAYS being fooled into believing something!  Just this morning, my son walks into my room complaining of a tummy ache, I ask if he wants to stay home and he says, "April fools!".  UGH!!!  So if you want to tell me I have something on my shirt and as soon as I look, you attempt to pick my nose-or whatever... go for it.  Might be funny, OR I might break your finger.  Either way, we all have a good laugh.

My brother was a prankster.  He was always, thinking up new ways to play tricks on people.  We lived on 33 acres out in the country in Puerto Rico.  My parents had a nice new house built, but there were 3 other buildings on the property that were all dilapidated and old.  One of them was good enough, that Dad set up his workshop there.  It was a good walk away from the "new" house, so we couldn't just look out the window and see it.  My Dad and my brother would go out there and build go-carts and work on engines and do all sorts of cool stuff.  Of course, I wanted to join in with them, but I guess, having a kid-sister around wasn't my brother's idea of fun, and he was always trying to get me to go home.  So, I guess one day -when Dad wasn't around- my brother had had enough of me.  He showed me a contraption he had found and said. "look! it's a bomb!"  So, I looked at his out-stretched hand and said, "you should probably put that back", and that's when he did it.  He turned the dial, and I heard tic tic tic tic.....  I screamed at him, "WHAT DID YOU DO??!"  He said, "RUN HOME!"  I said, "YOU COME WITH ME!!" He said, "NO!  I'm going to try to turn it off!"  I ran home as fast as I could!  I ran into the house and yelled out to mom to hide!  I ran and hid behind the couch and waited for the blast.  I couldn't stop thinking about how my brother was going to survive it, and whether or not my mother heard me!!  After a few minutes I hear my mom calling me and I peaked out from behind the couch and said, "MOM!!  GO HIDE, DETE (That's what I called my brother) SET A BOMB!!" She said, "he did?"  I said, "YES!!! GO HIDE!!"  She said, "ok, I'll just go hide in the kitchen."  So, Mom was safe in the kitchen but what about my brother?

I woke up to voices coming from the kitchen. I realized I was still hiding behind the couch.  I got up and ran into the kitchen to see that Dad had come home from work and was talking to my Mom and my brother.  They all stopped and looked at me.  I asked, "did the bomb go off?"  After a very long pause, my brother said, "I disarmed it".

It wasn't until years later, when we moved, that I saw "the bomb" again.  It was a regular ol' kitchen timer.  I remember mentioning the story and everyone laughing at the it.  Me, personally,  I don't think it's funny to scare a 5 year old little girl like that, ....but that's just me.

So, that was just one of many tricks.  Life was an adventure with him around, and I ALWAYS fell for his antics.  EXCEPT for that one time......

He and my Dad were going to visit my Grandmother who lived in Connecticut.  It must have been in the fall sometime.  When they got back, I asked my brother all about his trip.  He was so excited about it!  The one thing I remember him telling me was that it was cold, and that all the trees' leaves were different colors.  He said they were yellow and red, and orange!!  Well,  THAT'S when I decided I had had enough. I chose THAT moment to stand my ground and say, "NO MORE!" to his insane trickery!!!  I just looked at him and said, "IF YOU THINK,  I'M GOING TO BELIEVE THAT STORY, YOU ARE CRAZY!!"  He was insistent, "no, really!  The trees were all changing colors and it was really pretty!"  I just looked at him and shook my head and said, "you're a jerk!" and I walked away from him, never believing his wild story. 

Again, it wasn't until years later that I realized  he was telling the truth!!  Imagine that?  So, I guess when it comes to me: fool me once, shame on me,.... fool me a few more times ......I guess I'll still believe you, but I'll just think you're a big jerk.  You would think that  I could recognize truth when I hear it.  All I know is that going through life questioning everything is too exhausting,

Saturday, March 19, 2011

To Bliss, or Not To Bliss....

The word "ignorance" is given such a bad rap.  If you call someone "ignorant"  they take it as an insult. It is taken as another word for "stupid", or "dumb".  Well, if you're ignorant, it doesn't mean you're dumb, it just means- you don't know.  Just because you don't know, doesn't mean you're dumb, it just means you haven't learned it yet.  If a 5 year old doesn't know about molecules, it doesn't mean he's dumb, he just hasn't been taught about them.  Get it?  It was Cicero who said, "I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know."  So then, you can't really fault anyone for being ignorant... they are just uninformed.

That brings me to what is probably the more better known "ignorance" quote:  "ignorance is bliss".  This quote has been on my mind for a long time.  I've always heard it used with a negative connotation.  As if, you specifically choose not to find out about something because you're an idiot, or stuck in a blissful oblivion. In pondering the phrase, I have come to realize that it can also be a very peaceful way to go about living life.  Imagine how relaxed and stress-free your life would be if you simply weren't aware of the crap going on around you?  For example,  we all learned in science class that the light we receive from the sun is actually 8 minutes old.  So, it takes 8 minutes for the light to reach us.  What if the sun JUST turned off?  We wouldn't know about it for 8 minutes.  Would you want to know? Wouldn't it be better to just live the last 8 minutes of your life in blissful ignorance,  just doing everyday, normal things? I think I would prefer to remain ignorant of the sun turning off.... but that's just me.

Look at the story of Adam and Eve.  Everything was perfect and all was bliss, but then Eve had to go and eat fruit from the "knowledge of good and evil" tree.  She just HAD to know about good and evil, and here we are today in a not-so-blissful world.  Thank you, Eve for taking away the bliss!

Sometimes, I think it would be so relaxing, if I just didn't know certain things.  Like,... I would like to NOT know that a certain diet soda is actually bad for me.  I really enjoyed my daily fix of the poison.  Now that I know, my life is ruined.  OK, maybe not ruined.... but I really enjoyed my diet soda!  Ignorance of that piece of knowledge WAS bliss.

So, when you think you want to know, when you think you HAVE to know, you may want to be very sure as to whether or not you REALLY need to know.  Knowing may open your eyes to something you'd rather stay ignorant about, thus, making your life bliss-less. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting Out

I'm sure many have said it one way or another, but I think Mark Twain is cool, so I'll quote him.  He said, "It's easier to stay out than get out".

In this time of great change in my life, I have come to the realization that I have an addiction problem. I know this may come as a shock to many of you who think I am super-awesome, but nonetheless, we are all human and fall way short of perfection.  So, "let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone", (that was NOT Mark Twain, ...or Billy Joel.  That was Jesus, who was also pretty cool).

So, I ask of you, my friends, that you keep me in your hearts and minds, as each day passes, that I may be strong and abstain from this addiction that has had a hold of me for many many years. I have tried to quit many times,  but it keeps dragging me back in!  Today was day one,... again.  It was difficult.  I was a just a liiiiitle cranky, but as the day winds down I realize that I have won today's battle, but tomorrow is another day, and the war will continue on.  I must remain strong and vigilant and not give in to temptation. 

Diet Coke will NOT defeat me!  I WILL get out of it's grip! And let this be a warning to all of you... don't even start,  just stay out-trust me, it really is easier to STAY out, than it is to GET out.

........ I AM pretty thirsty, though.....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

61 Years Ago....

What does 61 years look like?  When you think about it, 61 years can be overwhelming.  Six decades, (that's 60 years, for those of you from BBS) plus one, or as they probably said it back then... "three score and one years ago".  That's like, ancient history, right?

Today, my wonderful in-laws celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary. Not their birthday,... it's their ANNIVERSARY!   Can you even imagine, putting up with someone for that long?  What is it about them, and others like them?  Maybe there is something to the saying, "they just never got mad at each other at the same time".  Maybe it's an  "I've put up with him/her this long, what's another 50 years?" attitude.  Maybe it's plain old stubbornness, where they are going to stick together no matter what.

I think it might have something to do with the fact that they are always laughing.  At each other, with each other, it doesn't matter.  These people are always, joking, and most times they are laughing at themselves!  I don't think I have EVER seen him take offense to ANYTHING.  You can throw jabs at him, but he just laughs them off, and most times he agrees with you!  The incredible thing is that, she still laughs at all his jokes-- and she's not even senile!  You KNOW she's heard them over and over again, (I know I have!) but she still laughs at/with him!! 

It could be that there is a mutual respect that is instantly apparent.  He is still a gentleman, and is protective of her.  He may be 105 but if you disrespect her, he WILL kick your ass.  Ok, he's not 105, but he's close.  Also, she will readily admit that she is NOT a cook, but he always eats what he's given, and has never complained-not out loud, anyway.

Maybe it's just that there is a deep love there that has just never waivered.  I've heard that that has happened before.  Where two people find, in each other, comfort, trust, peace, respect, serenity, joy.  Where the other person accepts you for you, and you accept them for them. ....... Although, personally, I think she stays with him for the money. ;-)

So, to my in-laws, -and yes, they will always be my family (sorry folks!)- I wish you a very HAPPY 61st ANNIVERSARY.  I love you very much.  May you have many more!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My First Song

Growing up in Puerto Rico was a wonderful experience for me. We lived near a small town that was a bit isolated from the "real" civilization at the time.  We lived on 30 acres consisting of 3 mountains (they were actually probably more like "hills", but to us, they were mountains) encircling a valley. Our house was in the valley.  We didn't have Internet at the time (actually, Al Gore hadn't invented it yet), no phone, and not even a TV.  Actually, we had a TV but we never watched it.  We had a record player, and although we had a TON of records, I'm pretty sure they could all be classified into 4 categories: classical music, some ancient (even then, they were ancient!) Christmas music, Scott Joplin rag time, and John Phillips Sousa marching music. I'm pretty sure we had a radio, but I don't remember ever listening to it.  It could've been that, being in a valley, we just couldn't receive many radio stations, and the ones we did receive played music that my parents didn't like-it was their prerogative, they were the parents.  Whatever the reason, no radio.  Don't get me wrong,  I never thought anything of it.  I loved listening to all our records, and I never thought to ask what the dial and all the numbers on the hi-fi were for.  Besides, a radio was what my dad used to communicate with people at work, not for music.

Hi-Fi  similar to what we had.

Then one day, my world changed.  I was probably about 7 or 8 years old.  It was a little turquoise radio.  I don't know where it came from.  All I know is that I found it in my brother's room.  I asked what it was and he said, "It's a radio."  I said, "How do you talk into it?"  He said, "No, dummy, it just receives radio waves, it's not for talking."  I said, "Then how do you talk back to the people that talk to you?"  He said, "AY NENA!!  IT JUST PLAYS MUSIC!"  I then asked, "Can I borrow it?" and he said, "NO!"

So, I took it to my room when he wasn't watching and plugged it in. It took a second for the little tube to warm up, but when it did.  It was like the hallelujah chorus boomed around me! ....Well, it wasn't the hallelujah chorus, THAT was on one of the records I would listen too.  No, this was different. This was ... really different.  This was... very cool.  This was ... definitely NOT my parents' music!   I will never forget the very first song I heard on that radio. "Killing me softly"  by Roberta Flack.  That was the beginning of my love for "music with a beat". Classical music is beautiful, I have nothing against it, but THIS music woke me up.  THIS music made me want to move!! ... Not "Killing me softly" - so much- but the ones that came after that were AWESOME!  I was dancing around my room like... well, ... like...  a little girl dancing around her room.  I loved this music!  I was so into it,  I never wanted it to stop!

I got caught .  I must have had it a it up too loud because my brother barged into my room and took that "little turquoise box of awesome" from me after what had to be about 30 minutes.  I was so crushed, but I never forgot that taste of new foreign fruit.  Music that made you smile, music that didn't put you to sleep, music that made you want to dance!! I had had a taste of it and couldn't wait until I could steal that little radio again! And I did...often.

This is as close a picture as I can find
 It wasn't until a few years later that I actually got my very own radio. Then a few years after that, I got a STEREO!!   Music comes in many forms,  and you don't have to like what I like-- but then, I don't have to like what you like either.  I think we should just enjoy it, let it fill your soul with joy, and let us ALL dance like a little girl dancing around her room!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dont Be a Moped

Everyday, I look at my daughters and it never ceases to amaze me as to how fast time has gone by.  They are young ladies now, and throughout the years I have imparted precious nuggets of wisdom that I am sure will stick with them for the rest of their lives.  I have now decided to put these nuggets together into one manuscript and, much like Moses did when he came down from Mt Sinai with the 10 Commandments, I intend to print these up and run them downstairs and hand them to my girls-- AND they had better not be worshiping any golden cows down there either!!  Here are my top-ten dating commandments.... or recommendations.... suggestions?  Whatever.

10. Don't date until you are 30.  OK,  how about 25?  I had to try.

9. He asks you.  Period.  I don't care how old fashioned this is.  If he doesn't have the guts to ask you,  then he doesn't get to go out with you.  Too bad for him.

8. Always choose "nice" over "bad-boy".  I know, I know, the bad-boy is soooooo dreamy!!  I am telling you right here, right now,  you will save yourself a lot of heartache, if you just chose the nice guy... and if you think you can "fix" the bad-boy, see number 6.

7. Be you. Don't pretend to be something you are not. Your real you will eventually show up, and he may not go for the "bait and switch" chick.   If he doesn't like you for you, he wont like you.  Find someone who does.

6. You wont "fix" him.  He needs to be him.  If you don't like the real him, find someone you do like.  He's not going to be any more "fixed" later, than he is now.  Right now, the beginning, THAT'S as good as it's going to be.  So, if he is a jerk to you now, or if he ignores you when he's with his friends, or if he flirts with all the girls- now, what makes you think he'll be any different later?  I like this saying by Maya Angelou, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them". 

5. Be a lady.  Also known as the "don't be a skank" recommendation.  I know it's hard to believe or even fathom, but I have been your age before.  If your boyfriend can't respect you enough to kiss you in private, then he doesn't respect you enough.  You don't want to be the lead role in the story going around school about who so-and-so was making-out with on the bleachers at the football game, last Friday night.  I will now quote the, oh so eloquent, words of my friend Jami,  "Don't be a moped,, know,.. everyone wants a ride, but no one wants to be seen on one".  Remember, girls have all the power.  WE say what's ok or what's not.  In a way,  we ARE the boss of them.

4.Let him be a gentleman. This is a big one.  Many guys are lead to believe that  it's un-cool to open the door for you, to meet your parents, to come to your front door-not sit in his car and honk for you to come out.  In reality, this is VERY cool.  It is a show of respect.   If he wants to pay for dinner, LET HIM.  He SHOULD pay for the first date, and it doesn't have to be dinner and a movie.  It can be ice cream and a walk in the park.  And if you heed #5,  he should know better than to try anything on that walk in the park.

3.What you do on the first date will determine the relationship.  If all you do on that first date is hide in a dark spot and make-out, then that's what he's going to expect next time.  You don't make-out with a guy,  and then hope he wants to talk.  It's a much better idea, if you talk first, get to know him, see if he WANTS to get to know you, THEN decide if he's even worth kissing.  If he is, make sure you refer back to #5 again.   If he isn't, tell him to go make you a samich.

2.Never date a guy who's prettier, or that has nicer hair than you.  It's just distracting.  It will eventually make you feel bad because, you keep comparing yourself to him.  Eventually, you'll resent him.  You know how you are always saying, "I hate my hair!!!"  Well, think how bad you'll feel if a guy has nicer hair than you, and he doesn't even try!  It'll make you too self-conscious.  A man should look like a man.  I mean, look at Zach Effron and his girlfriend, what's her name.  She has to get TOTALLY dolled up, just to come close to looking good enough to stand next to him, and most times,  he STILL looks prettier than her!  It's just never a good idea.

1.It's always ok to say, "no".  Always trust your instincts. Never do anything you don't want to do because, well,... "he DID pay for dinner".  You don't "owe" anybody anything, and if you ever feel uncomfortable or forced into a situation, call your mother--she has a shotgun ready for use at any moment, and isn't afraid to open up a can of whoop-ass on anybody messing with her kids (I blame the Latina blood).  It may even be a good idea to work that tidbit of information into the conversation early on,  that way, there will probably be no awkward situation later.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Me VS Golf

Mark Twain once said, "golf is a good walk spoiled".  That should be an "enough said" kind-of statement, but I have a brilliant way of looking at life, and I am sure you are all shocked to hear that I have more to say on the matter.

Just the word, "golf", is unpleasant.  It sounds like you have something caught in your throat and you are trying to get it out, but you happen to be attending the company Christmas cocktail party, (VERY shee-shee), and you can't really start hacking it out, so you very-discreetly try to gag it out.  "Golf, golf gaw,gaw, gawlfffff".  Finally, you spew it out and as it flies across the room someone yells, "fore!". You know I'm right. 

Mainly though, this is a "sport" where even the greatest player in the world, isn't good enough.  Think about it!  People pay good money, to spend the day making themselves feel inadequate.  Oh sure, they might have a good shot here and there, but overall, you are NEVER good enough.  Why put yourself through that?  Maybe, its because as good as golf is at making you feel like a looser, it's better than being with your significant other?  So, now you have TWO things making you feel inadequate.  THAT'S brilliant! .....I don't know, I don't think I will ever understand the fascination.

I do, however, respect golf.  I mean, I GET how hard it is to get that stupid ball to go in a straight line, from point A to point B, and to do it by hitting the thing with a weird club-thing.  I GET it.  I just don't know what the point is. Why do this?  Because it's a chance to get outside and enjoy the day? Ok, but is it a FUN way to get outside and enjoy the day?.... I think I covered THAT in the previous paragraph.  So, why? I don't know.  I don't think I will ever understand the fascination.

Maybe it's some sort of sick twisted need to make yourself  feel bad.  A punishment, of sorts.  Life is going too good for you, so you go out there and try to "miserable-it up".  All I can say is that I think Mark Twain had a good point. Why ruin the walk?  I would rather have a nice stroll, hand in hand with the one I love.  THAT would be nice.  Much nicer than playing a game whose name sounds like my cat hacking up a hairball.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!

When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a Happy New Year.  Normally, New Years is a a ho-hum kind of thing for me.  What's the big deal?  It is just another day, another year. However, I am actually a little excited about the year to come. THIS new year, is really NEW!!  I am excited for it, I don't know why, but I am!

Maybe it's because when I see the number 2011, I like it.  I get good joo-joo from 2011.  I think its because I like odd numbers, and also because when you add  20+11 it equals 31, and I am fascinated by prime numbers.  However,  that is a little quirk of mine that kind-of tends to cause people to back away slowly and never talk to me again, so I will stop now.

Maybe it's because it's wide open to me.  In previous years I have pretty-much known what was coming.  Most of it had been planned out for me.  It was just more of the same.  I felt like I was on a roller coaster and I was just sitting there waiting for everyone to buckle up, and as I looked around I would say to myself, "what the heck am I thinking? What am I DOING here?  Am I seriously going to go around this stupid thing again?!!", and I would think that THIS time I was going to get off, but the cars would start to move, and I knew that I was too late, so I just hung on and tried to enjoy the ride,... again.  Well,  I finally got off that roller coaster.  This year,..... this year is unwritten.  This year is the year I can blaze my own trail!  I am the captain of my own ship!  I am master of my own domain!! (I am!)  I am woman! Hear me roar!  .... Ok, now I have managed to scare myself, but you know what I mean!!  I HAVE been on that ride, I have been riding shot gun.  I want to drive now.  I'm the driver!!  Get out of my way!!  WOO HOO!!!! 

Maybe its because I'm happy.  I have never felt more alive.  The freedom I feel is one that I have never felt before.  I can be me, and not be ridiculed for it.  I have actually spoken my mind a couple of times, and the world didn't come to an end.  I have found out that I can be funny at times.  I actually have my own opinions and have actually stated them!!  WHO KNEW?!!!  I feel like William Wallace, when he cried out "FREEEDOM!!!!" 

So, this New Year I wish you all the very best.  May you have a great, prosperous year!  And to all my girl friends, I leave you with the words of wisdom from Benjamin Franklin:
"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man"

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Build Me a Catapult!

If I had a dollar for everytime I heard THAT phrase,.... I'd have one dollar.  Anyway, when my son said this to me, I wasn't sure what to do.  First I thought, I am never letting him watch "Mythbusters" again!  Especially the "Pumkin Chunkin'" special.  That aside, I now had an 8 year-old boy asking me to make him a catapult. So, how DOES one build a catapult?

First, I needed to find just the right tool for the job.  The tool I had in mind is a tool that has been indispensable throughout the 20th century and is still essential in any modern-day tool box.  Duct tape.  Having found THAT, I knew that the rest of this project would be a piece of cake.  I got a gift-wrap-like tube,--left over from the "Build Me a Rocket" project-- and taped a plastic salad "spork" (the kind you get from, say, a Costco salad) onto one end of it.  This was to hold the projectile.  On the other end, I duct-taped a plastic grocery bag, into which you could put the "weight" (rocks) used in flinging the projectile. The projectile was, of course, a balled-up bunch of duct tape, about the size of a golf ball. 

So, the way it was supposed to work was that you put the contraption on a stool, put the projectile on the spork, drop the weight, and voila!  You have CATAPULT!!! However, before I could see how it worked, I got a phone call. I told my son to try the catapult, and that when I was done, I would be back to fix any problems that may have arisen during my absense.  So, when I was finished with my phone call, I went back to see how this great example of mechanical ingenuity was faring, and  this is what I found.   I just happened to video-tape it, so you can all see how well it worked. 


Monday, December 13, 2010

You Don't Know ME!

 - I hate ketchup.  Not only will I not eat it,  I can't bear the thought of touching it.  I would rather throw the plate away, than clean off the ketchup from it.  I REALLY hate ketchup.

- I'm not too crazy about spiders either.

- Wind storms scare me.

- Betray me once, too bad for you.  I would have been a great friend to have.

- I'd rather be hurt by the truth, than be lied too. I tend to find out the truth sooner or later, so just tell me up front and I can normally work through it. It's the secrecy that gets me, not the subject of the lie.

- I believe in romance, and that there are still real gentlemen out there....somewhere.

-  I believe that there is more evidence that big foot is real, than that global warming is man-caused, or that exists at all.

- I don't care if you agree with me or not. I can still like you.  Can you still  like me?

- I believe that if God didn't want me to dance, he should not have made me Puerto Rican.

- I don't have a problem with a drink here and there. Smoking though, is nasty.

- I am actually very shy,  I ACT like I'm confident, and outgoing. Hand me the Emmy.

- I have a weakness for Coach purses.  *sigh*  They make me smile.

- I am scared of water.  Pools are ok, beaches and lakes..... not so much.  But jetskiing is awesome!

- Although I think NIN has a place in everyone's music library (although not my kids'),  I believe that "Handel's Messiah" is the greatest piece of music ever written.

- I also love anything Gilbert and Sullivan.... and Guns' and Roses....

- I have a REALLY hard time understanding the English accent.  ENUNCIATE PEOPLE!!!

- I remember clearly the day Elvis died.  I was playing outside, when my Mom called me up to the house and said, "Elvis died".  And I said, "who's Elvis"?

- I think I had the greatest childhood ever.

- Remember when Madonna could sing?  Yeah, I can't either.

- Was that mean? Sorry.

- I believe that Eve was not tempted by an apple.  It had to be an Avocado. Why would anyone damn the world for an apple?

Christmas 2013

I have noticed that really big, really special, moments occur every 4 years.  The Olympics, for example.  They are so special, that they are divided into two, winter and summer, but still,  it's every four years.  The presidential elections, are every four years.  You can't forget that "leap" year is every four years- you KNOW how special THAT one is!  And the Super Bowl,... wait, hmmm,... not so special, it's only once a year, BUT, the World Cup of Soccer is every four years-- Yes, it's THAT special, haters! 

Anyway, I think that Christmas should be just as special.  I think we ought to change the yearly celebration to an- every four years- event!  Think of it!  The stress that is Christmas, delegated to a- once every four years- extravaganza!  Imagine the celebration it would be! All the mundane Christmas traditions, would be super-specialized!  Those cookies you only make at Christmas time --because they are, pretty-much, a stick of butter with powdered sugar mushed into it, and we would all die of heart failure if we made them year-round -- would become even more extra-super-special, if you only made them once every four years!!  With the emergence of Facebook and email,  how often do you REALLY need to send out Christmas cards?  I say, once every four years is plenty! 

Don't get me wrong, I have always loved Christmas. I was that person who put up the tree on the day after Thanksgiving and took it down the day after Three Kings Day (look it up, gringos!!).  I loved decorating the house, and Christmas music was on 24/7.  But, in the last couple of years, it has just become a chore.  I don't know exactly what it was.  Perhaps it was the realization that my kids weren't into Barbies anymore.  Now all they want is money, or an itunes gift card,  oh,.. and the newest, most expensive-gotta have it-tech toy. Perhaps it was the economic down-turn that put a serious crimp in the budget, making it impossible to get them that newest, most expensive-gotta have it-tech toy.  Still, if it were every four years, you could save-up for those things, and it would be SPECIAL, because they got it for Christmas--which would come around only once every four years! 

Im just sayin',  there are plenty of other holidays where gifts can be given, or received.  What say you?  Let's make Christmas super-special!  As super-special as the World Cup!   Let's just skip it this year, and do it again in 2013?!  Who's with me?!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Don't Ignore Your Instncts

Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we’re closest to can betray us, and total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting hurt.

But what if you realize you can't even trust yourself?  Things you believed to be true, aren't. You find out that people you trusted implicitly have lied to you? How do you turn off your instincts when they are screaming at you that something's not right?  I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Monday, December 6, 2010

NOW You Can Go

You know how you have those days when you just don't want to do anything? When you just say, "forget it! I'm not doing squat today!".  I hate those days.  There is so much to do, but as the saying goes, "my get-up-and-go, done got up and went"?  Well, I think I found a way to conquer this problem.  This is my story.

You see, it was Thanksgiving eve morning.  The kids' school was cancelled because of snow, which meant  I really had no reason to be up by any particular time.  So,  I ended up dragging myself out of bed at the crack of noon, thinking, "wow, I  can't believe it's noon!".  Unfortunately, the lazy start of the morning, set a bad precedence for the rest of the day.  

I ended up making my way downstairs, and when I got there, I thought, "I should really clean-up a little".  As I surveyed the area, I realized that, in addition to picking-up, it needed to be vacuumed.  Then, I remembered that the vacuum was upstairs (why IS that? Everytime you need the vaccum, it's on the opposite floor? Perhaps I'll save that one for another post..stay tuned!).  Well, no rational-thinking person would start cleaning-up without a vacuum, THAT would be silly!  I decided to just wait until I had something better to do upstairs, and just grab the vacuum then!  As I thought about it, I realized that I really HAD nothing better to do upstairs, so I just sat on the living room couch and watched some TV. 

In no time at all, I realized it was 4pm-ish.   I decided it was time to go upstairs and get dressed (whuut???--like YOU'VE never stayed in PJ's all day?!) .   I slowly made my way up,(sitting on the couch can really tire you out!), and noticed the vaccuum sittting at the top of the stairs. I then reminded myself, "I need to remember to take that with me when I go back down".  So, I got dressed, and noticed my bed needed to be made, so, of course, I got on it, and snuggled in, for a little more TV watching.  Now, it wasn't like I was enjoying it!  oh.... no!  I was sitting there giving myself a good talking-to about how I should get my butt up and get to cleaning, so it wasn't THAT relaxing!

Finally, after the berating I gave myself, I got up to get dinner started. So, I  made my way back downstairs. As I was trying to magically make dinner appear, I realized that I never grabbed the vacuum on my way down!!  Darn it!  I guess the cleaning would have to wait.  Dinner got made. After a fine feast of frozen pizza,  it was time for me to finally sit down and relax.

In no time at all, it became 8pm.  8pm??!  How did THAT happen?  geez! It's almost bed time and I still had to clean-up the downstairs!  It really wasn't THAT bad!!  I thought it should take me about 45 minutes to pick-up,.... an hour - tops!!  Ok, ok,.....  I made the commitment to get started,.... but first, I had to use the bathroom. 

As I got up to go to the bathroom, I instinctively re-adjusted the couch cushions and throw-pillows, then proceeded to my destination--when I stopped myself,.....did I REALLY have to "go", or just kind-of had to "go"? I thought about it, and decided I could actually wait a little, so I continued picking-up the living room, .... and the vacuum was still upstairs!!  Wow!  So, as I was cleaning, I began to really feel the effects of all the water and diet coke I had consumed throughout the day.  It was then that I noticed, that the longer I waited to "go", the faster I cleaned!  That's when I made the decree...., "I will NOT use the bathroom until the downstairs is picked-up!!"

I got it all done in record time!!  I picked-up, dusted, AND vacuumed!! Yes! I actually went upstairs and got the vacuum without any additional motive!!  I was able to do, what I had been putting off doing all day long, in 30 minutes flat!  It's amazing what you can do when you really have to "go"!

So, next time you find yourself with no "get-up-and-go", and you REALLY have to get stuff done, take this thought to heart: "dont get-up-and-"go", until you're done".  It really works!!  Try it!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Weather Report: The Great Blizzard of November 2010

I didn't realize I could post videos!  So, for those of you who STILL don't have Facebook.  This will be a real treat!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm OK

My daughter is 18. She is an, over-all, good kid.  She is a freshman at the local community college and is doing well there.  I am very proud of her.

HOWEVER,  she has this little quirk that is just, so cute- sometimes.  When she hurts herself, she will SCREAM bloody murder, no matter how much it hurts.  For example, if she stubs her toe, she will SCREAM!,  then pause, then say, "oh,.. I'm OK".  So, anytime I hear her scream out, in sheer agony, I don't go running.  I just stop what I'm doing, and listen for the, "I'm OK!" which, inevitably ALWAYS follows.


I am out running errands. At this time, I am in a nearby town about 10 miles away from home.  When I get the call.

SFX:  car phone rings

ME: hello?

DAUGHTER:  (Speaking loud, fast, and in the high-pitched voice, she uses when she stubs her toe) WE HAVE MANTIS!!!!!!!!

ME: what?
(I'm thinking, "what?")

DAUGHTER:  (again, loud, fast and high-pitched, toe-stubbing voice) THERE'S A MANTIS SURROUNDING OUR TOWN!!

ME: what?!
(now I'm thinking, WTH?"--- where's the "I'm ok"??)

DAUGHTER:  (again, loud, fast, and high-pitched,toe-stubbing-- but at least she's TRYING to make herself understood-at least, she THINKS she is)  THERE'S A MANTIS ALL AROUND OUR TOWN, COVERED IN SNOW!!!

ME: what?!
(So,.... I'm not sure what to think. At first, I think of the old Japanese movies where the bug gets zapped with radiation and is now bigger than all the buildings, and is going to eat the town! I quickly determine that THAT would be stupid.)

DAUGHTER:  (again, loud, fast, and high-pitched,toe stub - but now she sounds almost irritated with me because, I don't seem to understand what she's talking about)  MANTIS! ...SURROUNDING OUR TOWN!!

ME: WHAT???????!!!!!!
(Now, I'm thinking, "crap!! How much do psychologists cost these days?!"  But then I relax and think, "oh, maybe she's just high- we ARE close to the town known as the "Meth Capital of the World".... but,.. DARN IT!!  I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR HER BRACES!!....AND WHERE'S THE, "I'M OK"!!!)

DAUGHTER:  (FINALLY!!  slows down, and speaks in a more normalized tone and volume...) TSK!!!  I saaaaid,--  There- are- mountains- surrounding- our- town!!!

ME:  (pausing)  Mountains?!!! ....... You are JUST now noticing the mountians?!?!! 
(my mind is blank)

DAUGHTER: YES!!!!  Did YOU know we have mountains that surround our town?!?!? 

ME: Yes, yes I did.  They've been there since we moved here,.... 6 YEARS AGO!!!!!
(I'm not sure WHAT to think)

DAUGHTER:  Well, ....where did they come from?!?

ME:  Ummmm .... I have to go.  Love you, bye!! 
(My mind is again, blank)

DAUGHTER: But.............

SFX: phone hanging up
So, although I'm happy that there is no huge bug attacking our town,  I am a little concerned that she is JUST now, noticing the mountains that surround our town.....  I REALLY hope I get the "I'm OK" soon!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


 You know it's going to be "one of those days" when one of the first thoughts you have when you wake up is, "I probably should have gotten up about 2 hours ago".  So, I get up and run around getting my son ready for school.  Wondering, "how the heck do all the other Moms do it?!".  Finally, we are off to school, he gets there late-again-but he is there, and I am off and ready to get on to the rest of my crazy day.  As I'm headed off down the coutry roads into town,  I see the dreaded lights in my rear view mirror. Really?  now?  today?  Why didn't you catch me yesterday, when I was only a LITTLE busy?  So, I pull over.  I see the cop walking up to my window, (hands on the wheel, hands on the wheel!!).  As I look at him, I realize I have seen this guy before.  He was at my gym a couple times.  He offered to spot me once when I put a little too much weight on the bar-bell.  We talked for a little- I thought he was a fireman,  when in the conversation  he mentioned he was a cop,  I politely walked away.
Cop- Hi,
Me- Hi  ( I smile.)
Cop - (smiling back) Do you know that the speed limit on this road is 35?
Me-(still smiling) I always thought is was 40....
Cop - Then why were you going 46?
Me -(smiling) Are you sure?!  46?! ....huh.  I must have some really important things to do today.....  (smile-smile smile!!)
Cop - (nodding his head, smiling)  I guess so. .....license, registration and proof of insurance?
Me - (I get the stuff and he looks at it, then me, -SMILE!- then he hands it all back to me)  Don't you go to the gym?  I think I spotted you once,...  you thought I was a firefighter?
Me - (crap!)  OH!....  yeah!!....  I've seen you there before!  how are you?  What are you bench pressing these days?  (too obvious?)
Cop - (smiling, like he's onto my "change the subject" diversion...)  Im just  fine, thank you. (sarcasm?)  Listen,  you should probably slow it down on this road.
Me - Yeah, yeah.... I's just that it's down hill.. and there's no one around and..( I look a him--he's shaking his head--NOT GOOD!!) ........yeah....ok... right, SLOOOOOWER.....
Cop - yes, slow down.
Me - yeah, ok......
Cop- I'll see you around,... have a good day. (then he walks back to his car)
So, I'm sitting there, thinking he's coming back with a ticket- and he just drives off, waving as he passes me. I wave back awkwardly. No ticket?  YESSSSS!!! SWEEET!!!  Now, I'm really late, but I don't want to push my luck, so I got my radar detector out of the glove box and set it up on the dash.  I'm not crazy though -   I do slow down to at least 38! I then resume my crazy day.  Which, although will be busy,- anytime you get out of a speeding ticket has to mean it will be a good day!  SO BRING IT THURSDAY!!!  You can't beat me!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Have No Skills

As I sit down to write my resume,
I try to think of words to say.
I have no skills, nothing to show,
no one would hire me, of this I'm sure.
I've done nothing with my life,
but be a business owner, mom and wife.

What have I done in all these years,
to help me land a new career?
I think and think, come up with nothing.
I try in vain to think of something.

I had a real job at one time.
I worked everyday from 9 to 5.
Airlines, hotels, car rentals I booked
"you got a flight?",   well, let me look.
But all that changed when I had my daughter,
Decided to work for myself, not another.

So work, work I did without hesitation,
I worked for her future, without much vacation.
The years came and went, with life much fullfilled.
I ran all my companies, even unskilled.

As so often happens, life stopped me dead.
My neatly-planned future got turned on its head.
Companies folded, marriage dissolved,
I find myself left, with nothing at all.
And so as I sit and I try to recall,
I guess I did nothing,.. nothing at all.

All that I've done,  really quite a bore,
is everyday stuff,  that one wouldn't care for.

Ive gotten the kids ready for school,
they've gotten there on time-cool!
I've then gone into my shop,
and been the one to do it all.

I answered phones and kept customers happy,
the books, the office, the warehouse,.. all snappy.
I organized deliveries, made sure they're on time.
and all special orders were all in a line.
And most times I actually made a delivery or two,
the ones that our driver was just too busy to do.
And on certain days, between certain stops,
I would have to go visit with my daughter's doc.
She has cancer,  they say, diagnosed at three.
and on certain days, she has chomotherapy.
Then when she's done, I resume my run,
and hope that my daughter can just hang on.
"Try not to throw up, honey, mommy's almost done!
pretty soon we'll be going home!"

Finally, the work day is all but over,
I head back to school to pick up my other daughter.
Then off to get groceries, gas, or whatever,
any errands that didn't get done any earlier.
Of course, once home the day is not over,
the cleaning, the cooking the laundry and more,
the garbage, the mowing, the landscaping,...all chores.
I did my best to do them all, and I did them, with no help at all.
but time after time, night time would  fall.
I'd crawl into bed, exhausted,... "amen!"
Only to wake, get up, and start it all over again.

So, in all these years, I've done nothing at all,
I have no real skills on which now to draw.
I've just been a business owner, wife, and a mom.
So, why hire me, when I have no skills?
Because, it turns out, I have a a strong will.

You give me a task, and it will get done.
I am my very own Army of one.
The task will probably not, to me, be new,
It's something I already know how to do.
But, if I don't know how to do it, I'll ask,
Just tell me once, I do learn fast.

So as I sit down to write my resume,
and I think of all the words I need to say.
I have many skills of which to choose,
How many pages can I use?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Im Never Taking My Daughter to Church Again.

I took my daughter to church today.  I really like my church.  Not only is the pastor a really good guy, but they have a band with 3 guitars, drums, keyboards and sometimes even a sax! Super cool music-super cool pastor..... super cool church.  My daughter likes it too.  She wakes ME up to get there on time.

So, today, pastor was talking about Noah, and how God gave humanity a "do over" or second chance.  He went on to talk about how Eve ate from the forbiden fruit.  It was a very serious moment in the sermon.  When my daughter turns to me and whispers, "and it all could have been avoided, if Eve had a sassy gay friend!"  (See: . So, in the middle of this VERY serious subject matter and a VERY quiet congregation,  we start cracking up,  not everyone,.... just my me and my daughter.  Thankfully,  no lightning strikes occured.  Looks like I get a second chance!

It just happenend to be communion Sunday.  So, at the end of the service, there was the traditional drinking of the grape juice and eating of the cracker.  I try not to think about the irony of it-- that my daughter is allergic to grape juice--but I figure the small amount wont hurt her, and after all,...  its COMMUNION.  So, she drinks it, and, thankfully, she has no reaction to it.  Excellent! we have been blessed!  God has smiled down on us today!  Life is good!  We were able to -in the moment of silence- ask for forgiveness for the "Sassy Gay Friend" comment, AND  we, like Noah, have found grace in his eyes!!!! Excellent!  another second chance!

Then, she did it.  As she is sitting waiting for the service to end.  We hear a "CRAAAACKK",  we both look in her hand, and we see,.... there, in her palm, is a cracked communion cup. SHE HAS BROKEN THE CUP!!!  WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!  We both let out a collective, "gasp!!".  Then we both get the same look of horror on our faces!  OMGsh!!!!!!  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!  YOU HAVE BROUGHT A CURSE ON US!!! So, again, in the middle of a very serious moment, we crack up.  Everyone else is sitting solemnly, not us.  We are ROTFLMAO.  However,  no lighting strikes occur.... second chance number 3.  Whew!!!

So, service over.  Let's go before God changes his mind!  We finally make it out of the building, when I look at my daughter and notice she's holding a Bible.  I know what you're thinking, "how sweet, she takes her Bible to church!".  Yes, except for one minor thing.... the Bible she was holding belongs to the church.... SHE STOLE A BIBLE!!!!!!  

How many second chances do we get again?!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Queen of the Rubiks Cube

This is where I show my incredible rubik's cube solving skills. You might want to allow some time to watch it... like I said,..... like fine wine, some things take time.