Thursday, June 28, 2012

We can send a man to the moon, but....

I love onion rings. I hardly ever eat them because I'm not sure that dipping something  in batter and then frying it,  is the healthiest  way to get my daily dosage of vegetables, but when I feel like indulging... I luv me some onion rings.

However, I have a hard time eating them.
"Why?", you ask? Because I am forced to eat them with  a fork and knife.
"Why?", you ask? Because I have to cut them into little pieces in order to eat them.
"Why?", you ask? Because there has yet to be an onion ring invented that doesn't pull out of it's yummy, crispy, shell when you bite into it! 
"WHY?!", ... is what I'M asking!

How can this be?! It's the 21st century and this is AMERICA! Maybe if they were cut thinner, or cooked longer. I dont know.  I just know that the way its being done now is an atrocity and an affront to humanity.  Surely, it can't be THAT hard to figure out how to make an eatable onion ring.  I just want to be able to pick one up, take a bite, and not have an entire ring of onion hanging out of my mouth. It's not rocket science.

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