Thursday, December 30, 2010

Me VS Golf

Mark Twain once said, "golf is a good walk spoiled".  That should be an "enough said" kind-of statement, but I have a brilliant way of looking at life, and I am sure you are all shocked to hear that I have more to say on the matter.

Just the word, "golf", is unpleasant.  It sounds like you have something caught in your throat and you are trying to get it out, but you happen to be attending the company Christmas cocktail party, (VERY shee-shee), and you can't really start hacking it out, so you very-discreetly try to gag it out.  "Golf, golf gaw,gaw, gawlfffff".  Finally, you spew it out and as it flies across the room someone yells, "fore!". You know I'm right. 

Mainly though, this is a "sport" where even the greatest player in the world, isn't good enough.  Think about it!  People pay good money, to spend the day making themselves feel inadequate.  Oh sure, they might have a good shot here and there, but overall, you are NEVER good enough.  Why put yourself through that?  Maybe, its because as good as golf is at making you feel like a looser, it's better than being with your significant other?  So, now you have TWO things making you feel inadequate.  THAT'S brilliant! .....I don't know, I don't think I will ever understand the fascination.

I do, however, respect golf.  I mean, I GET how hard it is to get that stupid ball to go in a straight line, from point A to point B, and to do it by hitting the thing with a weird club-thing.  I GET it.  I just don't know what the point is. Why do this?  Because it's a chance to get outside and enjoy the day? Ok, but is it a FUN way to get outside and enjoy the day?.... I think I covered THAT in the previous paragraph.  So, why? I don't know.  I don't think I will ever understand the fascination.

Maybe it's some sort of sick twisted need to make yourself  feel bad.  A punishment, of sorts.  Life is going too good for you, so you go out there and try to "miserable-it up".  All I can say is that I think Mark Twain had a good point. Why ruin the walk?  I would rather have a nice stroll, hand in hand with the one I love.  THAT would be nice.  Much nicer than playing a game whose name sounds like my cat hacking up a hairball.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista'!

    Rob actually does not get out much to do it. And...when he does, his goal is all about knocking the little tiny ball as hard and far as he possibly can (even if it means sending the head of his really crappy golf club flying).

    My "spend time away from significant other" arch nemesis is the XBOX!
