Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!

When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a Happy New Year.  Normally, New Years is a a ho-hum kind of thing for me.  What's the big deal?  It is just another day, another year. However, I am actually a little excited about the year to come. THIS new year, is really NEW!!  I am excited for it, I don't know why, but I am!

Maybe it's because when I see the number 2011, I like it.  I get good joo-joo from 2011.  I think its because I like odd numbers, and also because when you add  20+11 it equals 31, and I am fascinated by prime numbers.  However,  that is a little quirk of mine that kind-of tends to cause people to back away slowly and never talk to me again, so I will stop now.

Maybe it's because it's wide open to me.  In previous years I have pretty-much known what was coming.  Most of it had been planned out for me.  It was just more of the same.  I felt like I was on a roller coaster and I was just sitting there waiting for everyone to buckle up, and as I looked around I would say to myself, "what the heck am I thinking? What am I DOING here?  Am I seriously going to go around this stupid thing again?!!", and I would think that THIS time I was going to get off, but the cars would start to move, and I knew that I was too late, so I just hung on and tried to enjoy the ride,... again.  Well,  I finally got off that roller coaster.  This year,..... this year is unwritten.  This year is the year I can blaze my own trail!  I am the captain of my own ship!  I am master of my own domain!! (I am!)  I am woman! Hear me roar!  .... Ok, now I have managed to scare myself, but you know what I mean!!  I HAVE been on that ride, I have been riding shot gun.  I want to drive now.  I'm the driver!!  Get out of my way!!  WOO HOO!!!! 

Maybe its because I'm happy.  I have never felt more alive.  The freedom I feel is one that I have never felt before.  I can be me, and not be ridiculed for it.  I have actually spoken my mind a couple of times, and the world didn't come to an end.  I have found out that I can be funny at times.  I actually have my own opinions and have actually stated them!!  WHO KNEW?!!!  I feel like William Wallace, when he cried out "FREEEDOM!!!!" 

So, this New Year I wish you all the very best.  May you have a great, prosperous year!  And to all my girl friends, I leave you with the words of wisdom from Benjamin Franklin:
"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man"


  1. YOU ROCK GIRL!!! May the New Year bring you everything you deserve and SO MUCH MORE!!!!
