Monday, December 6, 2010

NOW You Can Go

You know how you have those days when you just don't want to do anything? When you just say, "forget it! I'm not doing squat today!".  I hate those days.  There is so much to do, but as the saying goes, "my get-up-and-go, done got up and went"?  Well, I think I found a way to conquer this problem.  This is my story.

You see, it was Thanksgiving eve morning.  The kids' school was cancelled because of snow, which meant  I really had no reason to be up by any particular time.  So,  I ended up dragging myself out of bed at the crack of noon, thinking, "wow, I  can't believe it's noon!".  Unfortunately, the lazy start of the morning, set a bad precedence for the rest of the day.  

I ended up making my way downstairs, and when I got there, I thought, "I should really clean-up a little".  As I surveyed the area, I realized that, in addition to picking-up, it needed to be vacuumed.  Then, I remembered that the vacuum was upstairs (why IS that? Everytime you need the vaccum, it's on the opposite floor? Perhaps I'll save that one for another post..stay tuned!).  Well, no rational-thinking person would start cleaning-up without a vacuum, THAT would be silly!  I decided to just wait until I had something better to do upstairs, and just grab the vacuum then!  As I thought about it, I realized that I really HAD nothing better to do upstairs, so I just sat on the living room couch and watched some TV. 

In no time at all, I realized it was 4pm-ish.   I decided it was time to go upstairs and get dressed (whuut???--like YOU'VE never stayed in PJ's all day?!) .   I slowly made my way up,(sitting on the couch can really tire you out!), and noticed the vaccuum sittting at the top of the stairs. I then reminded myself, "I need to remember to take that with me when I go back down".  So, I got dressed, and noticed my bed needed to be made, so, of course, I got on it, and snuggled in, for a little more TV watching.  Now, it wasn't like I was enjoying it!  oh.... no!  I was sitting there giving myself a good talking-to about how I should get my butt up and get to cleaning, so it wasn't THAT relaxing!

Finally, after the berating I gave myself, I got up to get dinner started. So, I  made my way back downstairs. As I was trying to magically make dinner appear, I realized that I never grabbed the vacuum on my way down!!  Darn it!  I guess the cleaning would have to wait.  Dinner got made. After a fine feast of frozen pizza,  it was time for me to finally sit down and relax.

In no time at all, it became 8pm.  8pm??!  How did THAT happen?  geez! It's almost bed time and I still had to clean-up the downstairs!  It really wasn't THAT bad!!  I thought it should take me about 45 minutes to pick-up,.... an hour - tops!!  Ok, ok,.....  I made the commitment to get started,.... but first, I had to use the bathroom. 

As I got up to go to the bathroom, I instinctively re-adjusted the couch cushions and throw-pillows, then proceeded to my destination--when I stopped myself,.....did I REALLY have to "go", or just kind-of had to "go"? I thought about it, and decided I could actually wait a little, so I continued picking-up the living room, .... and the vacuum was still upstairs!!  Wow!  So, as I was cleaning, I began to really feel the effects of all the water and diet coke I had consumed throughout the day.  It was then that I noticed, that the longer I waited to "go", the faster I cleaned!  That's when I made the decree...., "I will NOT use the bathroom until the downstairs is picked-up!!"

I got it all done in record time!!  I picked-up, dusted, AND vacuumed!! Yes! I actually went upstairs and got the vacuum without any additional motive!!  I was able to do, what I had been putting off doing all day long, in 30 minutes flat!  It's amazing what you can do when you really have to "go"!

So, next time you find yourself with no "get-up-and-go", and you REALLY have to get stuff done, take this thought to heart: "dont get-up-and-"go", until you're done".  It really works!!  Try it!!

1 comment:

  1. That is AMAZING! I, too, have discovered that little trick. MOST of the time I don't even have to clean up the bathroom floor after all that "waiting" either. So worth it.
