Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas 2013

I have noticed that really big, really special, moments occur every 4 years.  The Olympics, for example.  They are so special, that they are divided into two, winter and summer, but still,  it's every four years.  The presidential elections, are every four years.  You can't forget that "leap" year is every four years- you KNOW how special THAT one is!  And the Super Bowl,... wait, hmmm,... not so special, it's only once a year, BUT, the World Cup of Soccer is every four years-- Yes, it's THAT special, haters! 

Anyway, I think that Christmas should be just as special.  I think we ought to change the yearly celebration to an- every four years- event!  Think of it!  The stress that is Christmas, delegated to a- once every four years- extravaganza!  Imagine the celebration it would be! All the mundane Christmas traditions, would be super-specialized!  Those cookies you only make at Christmas time --because they are, pretty-much, a stick of butter with powdered sugar mushed into it, and we would all die of heart failure if we made them year-round -- would become even more extra-super-special, if you only made them once every four years!!  With the emergence of Facebook and email,  how often do you REALLY need to send out Christmas cards?  I say, once every four years is plenty! 

Don't get me wrong, I have always loved Christmas. I was that person who put up the tree on the day after Thanksgiving and took it down the day after Three Kings Day (look it up, gringos!!).  I loved decorating the house, and Christmas music was on 24/7.  But, in the last couple of years, it has just become a chore.  I don't know exactly what it was.  Perhaps it was the realization that my kids weren't into Barbies anymore.  Now all they want is money, or an itunes gift card,  oh,.. and the newest, most expensive-gotta have it-tech toy. Perhaps it was the economic down-turn that put a serious crimp in the budget, making it impossible to get them that newest, most expensive-gotta have it-tech toy.  Still, if it were every four years, you could save-up for those things, and it would be SPECIAL, because they got it for Christmas--which would come around only once every four years! 

Im just sayin',  there are plenty of other holidays where gifts can be given, or received.  What say you?  Let's make Christmas super-special!  As super-special as the World Cup!   Let's just skip it this year, and do it again in 2013?!  Who's with me?!

1 comment:

  1. have a good point.

    Try this...tell the kids that they will only get presents every four years. All the other years Christmas will be spent serving at the food kitchen. :) That will make them grateful for the not-so-new-and-much-less-expensive-might-I-add-budget-friendly electronics they happen to get. :)
