Friday, April 8, 2011

Arnold's Promise to the Philippines

There are times when I feel sorry for everyone else because I have the best little boy in the whole world and you guys all have to settle for second-best.  Today was one of those days when I thought, "wow, sucks to be you!"

I was sitting in the living room with my son and his friend.  They were watching TV and  I was doing something very important on my phone-- like checking Facebook or something.  When I hear this conversation:

My Son:  Oh cool!  look at him!
Kid:  Who is that?
My Son: That's General Patton!

I look up to see that there is a commercial on TV where they were showing pictures of what I thought were WWII allied leaders.

My Son: ...and that's ...ummmm
(Turns to me)
My Son:  Who's is that again?
Me:  Isn't that Montgomery?
My Son:  Montgomery????  NO... that's the Philippines general,  the one that said, "I shall return".... Mac....
Kid: (interrupting) THE TERMINATOR!!!

So, at this point, I manage to say, "MacArthur"  but I'm laughing so hard that I can barely breathe.  Turns out it was a commercial for the Army, showing pictures of different AMERICAN military leaders (Montgomery was British, for those of you from BBS). So, although I should be embarrassed that my 8 year old son knows the difference between Montgomery and MacArthur better than I do,  I feel PRE-TTY darn good about myself compared to the neighbor kid. 

So, next time your kid is singing the song to "sponge-bob, square pants" word-for-word, you can think to yourself, "hey, second best is still pretty good".  Nothing but love, my friends.

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