Thursday, November 18, 2010


 You know it's going to be "one of those days" when one of the first thoughts you have when you wake up is, "I probably should have gotten up about 2 hours ago".  So, I get up and run around getting my son ready for school.  Wondering, "how the heck do all the other Moms do it?!".  Finally, we are off to school, he gets there late-again-but he is there, and I am off and ready to get on to the rest of my crazy day.  As I'm headed off down the coutry roads into town,  I see the dreaded lights in my rear view mirror. Really?  now?  today?  Why didn't you catch me yesterday, when I was only a LITTLE busy?  So, I pull over.  I see the cop walking up to my window, (hands on the wheel, hands on the wheel!!).  As I look at him, I realize I have seen this guy before.  He was at my gym a couple times.  He offered to spot me once when I put a little too much weight on the bar-bell.  We talked for a little- I thought he was a fireman,  when in the conversation  he mentioned he was a cop,  I politely walked away.
Cop- Hi,
Me- Hi  ( I smile.)
Cop - (smiling back) Do you know that the speed limit on this road is 35?
Me-(still smiling) I always thought is was 40....
Cop - Then why were you going 46?
Me -(smiling) Are you sure?!  46?! ....huh.  I must have some really important things to do today.....  (smile-smile smile!!)
Cop - (nodding his head, smiling)  I guess so. .....license, registration and proof of insurance?
Me - (I get the stuff and he looks at it, then me, -SMILE!- then he hands it all back to me)  Don't you go to the gym?  I think I spotted you once,...  you thought I was a firefighter?
Me - (crap!)  OH!....  yeah!!....  I've seen you there before!  how are you?  What are you bench pressing these days?  (too obvious?)
Cop - (smiling, like he's onto my "change the subject" diversion...)  Im just  fine, thank you. (sarcasm?)  Listen,  you should probably slow it down on this road.
Me - Yeah, yeah.... I's just that it's down hill.. and there's no one around and..( I look a him--he's shaking his head--NOT GOOD!!) ........yeah....ok... right, SLOOOOOWER.....
Cop - yes, slow down.
Me - yeah, ok......
Cop- I'll see you around,... have a good day. (then he walks back to his car)
So, I'm sitting there, thinking he's coming back with a ticket- and he just drives off, waving as he passes me. I wave back awkwardly. No ticket?  YESSSSS!!! SWEEET!!!  Now, I'm really late, but I don't want to push my luck, so I got my radar detector out of the glove box and set it up on the dash.  I'm not crazy though -   I do slow down to at least 38! I then resume my crazy day.  Which, although will be busy,- anytime you get out of a speeding ticket has to mean it will be a good day!  SO BRING IT THURSDAY!!!  You can't beat me!!

1 comment:

  1. Who knew that going to the gym would have DOUBLE pay offs!?!
