Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm OK

My daughter is 18. She is an, over-all, good kid.  She is a freshman at the local community college and is doing well there.  I am very proud of her.

HOWEVER,  she has this little quirk that is just, so cute- sometimes.  When she hurts herself, she will SCREAM bloody murder, no matter how much it hurts.  For example, if she stubs her toe, she will SCREAM!,  then pause, then say, "oh,.. I'm OK".  So, anytime I hear her scream out, in sheer agony, I don't go running.  I just stop what I'm doing, and listen for the, "I'm OK!" which, inevitably ALWAYS follows.


I am out running errands. At this time, I am in a nearby town about 10 miles away from home.  When I get the call.

SFX:  car phone rings

ME: hello?

DAUGHTER:  (Speaking loud, fast, and in the high-pitched voice, she uses when she stubs her toe) WE HAVE MANTIS!!!!!!!!

ME: what?
(I'm thinking, "what?")

DAUGHTER:  (again, loud, fast and high-pitched, toe-stubbing voice) THERE'S A MANTIS SURROUNDING OUR TOWN!!

ME: what?!
(now I'm thinking, WTH?"--- where's the "I'm ok"??)

DAUGHTER:  (again, loud, fast, and high-pitched,toe-stubbing-- but at least she's TRYING to make herself understood-at least, she THINKS she is)  THERE'S A MANTIS ALL AROUND OUR TOWN, COVERED IN SNOW!!!

ME: what?!
(So,.... I'm not sure what to think. At first, I think of the old Japanese movies where the bug gets zapped with radiation and is now bigger than all the buildings, and is going to eat the town! I quickly determine that THAT would be stupid.)

DAUGHTER:  (again, loud, fast, and high-pitched,toe stub - but now she sounds almost irritated with me because, I don't seem to understand what she's talking about)  MANTIS! ...SURROUNDING OUR TOWN!!

ME: WHAT???????!!!!!!
(Now, I'm thinking, "crap!! How much do psychologists cost these days?!"  But then I relax and think, "oh, maybe she's just high- we ARE close to the town known as the "Meth Capital of the World".... but,.. DARN IT!!  I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR HER BRACES!!....AND WHERE'S THE, "I'M OK"!!!)

DAUGHTER:  (FINALLY!!  slows down, and speaks in a more normalized tone and volume...) TSK!!!  I saaaaid,--  There- are- mountains- surrounding- our- town!!!

ME:  (pausing)  Mountains?!!! ....... You are JUST now noticing the mountians?!?!! 
(my mind is blank)

DAUGHTER: YES!!!!  Did YOU know we have mountains that surround our town?!?!? 

ME: Yes, yes I did.  They've been there since we moved here,.... 6 YEARS AGO!!!!!
(I'm not sure WHAT to think)

DAUGHTER:  Well, ....where did they come from?!?

ME:  Ummmm .... I have to go.  Love you, bye!! 
(My mind is again, blank)

DAUGHTER: But.............

SFX: phone hanging up
So, although I'm happy that there is no huge bug attacking our town,  I am a little concerned that she is JUST now, noticing the mountains that surround our town.....  I REALLY hope I get the "I'm OK" soon!!


  1. I almost died laughing. I hope you're happy.

  2. Hillarious! You should be proud. She may have gone through life NEVER noticing the mountains. For some of us it just takes a bit longer. :)
