Thursday, February 17, 2011

61 Years Ago....

What does 61 years look like?  When you think about it, 61 years can be overwhelming.  Six decades, (that's 60 years, for those of you from BBS) plus one, or as they probably said it back then... "three score and one years ago".  That's like, ancient history, right?

Today, my wonderful in-laws celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary. Not their birthday,... it's their ANNIVERSARY!   Can you even imagine, putting up with someone for that long?  What is it about them, and others like them?  Maybe there is something to the saying, "they just never got mad at each other at the same time".  Maybe it's an  "I've put up with him/her this long, what's another 50 years?" attitude.  Maybe it's plain old stubbornness, where they are going to stick together no matter what.

I think it might have something to do with the fact that they are always laughing.  At each other, with each other, it doesn't matter.  These people are always, joking, and most times they are laughing at themselves!  I don't think I have EVER seen him take offense to ANYTHING.  You can throw jabs at him, but he just laughs them off, and most times he agrees with you!  The incredible thing is that, she still laughs at all his jokes-- and she's not even senile!  You KNOW she's heard them over and over again, (I know I have!) but she still laughs at/with him!! 

It could be that there is a mutual respect that is instantly apparent.  He is still a gentleman, and is protective of her.  He may be 105 but if you disrespect her, he WILL kick your ass.  Ok, he's not 105, but he's close.  Also, she will readily admit that she is NOT a cook, but he always eats what he's given, and has never complained-not out loud, anyway.

Maybe it's just that there is a deep love there that has just never waivered.  I've heard that that has happened before.  Where two people find, in each other, comfort, trust, peace, respect, serenity, joy.  Where the other person accepts you for you, and you accept them for them. ....... Although, personally, I think she stays with him for the money. ;-)

So, to my in-laws, -and yes, they will always be my family (sorry folks!)- I wish you a very HAPPY 61st ANNIVERSARY.  I love you very much.  May you have many more!


  1. They are incredible people aren't they! You've just gotta love them. There is no way around it. They are just incredible.

    Cathy told me that it was their 61st on the phone today. I can't believe it.It's amazing. It really is. Truly Amazing!

  2. Oh Sharon, I couldn't of said it any better myselft! I LOVE, absolutely LOVE my grandparents. I used to think when I was younger how strict they were, but I have come to appreciate that, And enjoy giving Grandpa a hard time. I want to be like them when I grow up. Thanks for the shout are very sweet. Hang in there!

  3. Sharon, I want you to know that I really appreciated the blog about my parents. I agree with everything you said in your blog. It is nice to know that other people have the same opinion of them that I do. Thank you Sharon from your brother-in-law Randy for-----er!
