Friday, April 8, 2011

Arnold's Promise to the Philippines

There are times when I feel sorry for everyone else because I have the best little boy in the whole world and you guys all have to settle for second-best.  Today was one of those days when I thought, "wow, sucks to be you!"

I was sitting in the living room with my son and his friend.  They were watching TV and  I was doing something very important on my phone-- like checking Facebook or something.  When I hear this conversation:

My Son:  Oh cool!  look at him!
Kid:  Who is that?
My Son: That's General Patton!

I look up to see that there is a commercial on TV where they were showing pictures of what I thought were WWII allied leaders.

My Son: ...and that's ...ummmm
(Turns to me)
My Son:  Who's is that again?
Me:  Isn't that Montgomery?
My Son:  Montgomery????  NO... that's the Philippines general,  the one that said, "I shall return".... Mac....
Kid: (interrupting) THE TERMINATOR!!!

So, at this point, I manage to say, "MacArthur"  but I'm laughing so hard that I can barely breathe.  Turns out it was a commercial for the Army, showing pictures of different AMERICAN military leaders (Montgomery was British, for those of you from BBS). So, although I should be embarrassed that my 8 year old son knows the difference between Montgomery and MacArthur better than I do,  I feel PRE-TTY darn good about myself compared to the neighbor kid. 

So, next time your kid is singing the song to "sponge-bob, square pants" word-for-word, you can think to yourself, "hey, second best is still pretty good".  Nothing but love, my friends.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fool me once....

To this day, I'm a very naive person.  I believe things people tell me.  April fool's day has always been my most hated of days.   I am ALWAYS being fooled into believing something!  Just this morning, my son walks into my room complaining of a tummy ache, I ask if he wants to stay home and he says, "April fools!".  UGH!!!  So if you want to tell me I have something on my shirt and as soon as I look, you attempt to pick my nose-or whatever... go for it.  Might be funny, OR I might break your finger.  Either way, we all have a good laugh.

My brother was a prankster.  He was always, thinking up new ways to play tricks on people.  We lived on 33 acres out in the country in Puerto Rico.  My parents had a nice new house built, but there were 3 other buildings on the property that were all dilapidated and old.  One of them was good enough, that Dad set up his workshop there.  It was a good walk away from the "new" house, so we couldn't just look out the window and see it.  My Dad and my brother would go out there and build go-carts and work on engines and do all sorts of cool stuff.  Of course, I wanted to join in with them, but I guess, having a kid-sister around wasn't my brother's idea of fun, and he was always trying to get me to go home.  So, I guess one day -when Dad wasn't around- my brother had had enough of me.  He showed me a contraption he had found and said. "look! it's a bomb!"  So, I looked at his out-stretched hand and said, "you should probably put that back", and that's when he did it.  He turned the dial, and I heard tic tic tic tic.....  I screamed at him, "WHAT DID YOU DO??!"  He said, "RUN HOME!"  I said, "YOU COME WITH ME!!" He said, "NO!  I'm going to try to turn it off!"  I ran home as fast as I could!  I ran into the house and yelled out to mom to hide!  I ran and hid behind the couch and waited for the blast.  I couldn't stop thinking about how my brother was going to survive it, and whether or not my mother heard me!!  After a few minutes I hear my mom calling me and I peaked out from behind the couch and said, "MOM!!  GO HIDE, DETE (That's what I called my brother) SET A BOMB!!" She said, "he did?"  I said, "YES!!! GO HIDE!!"  She said, "ok, I'll just go hide in the kitchen."  So, Mom was safe in the kitchen but what about my brother?

I woke up to voices coming from the kitchen. I realized I was still hiding behind the couch.  I got up and ran into the kitchen to see that Dad had come home from work and was talking to my Mom and my brother.  They all stopped and looked at me.  I asked, "did the bomb go off?"  After a very long pause, my brother said, "I disarmed it".

It wasn't until years later, when we moved, that I saw "the bomb" again.  It was a regular ol' kitchen timer.  I remember mentioning the story and everyone laughing at the it.  Me, personally,  I don't think it's funny to scare a 5 year old little girl like that, ....but that's just me.

So, that was just one of many tricks.  Life was an adventure with him around, and I ALWAYS fell for his antics.  EXCEPT for that one time......

He and my Dad were going to visit my Grandmother who lived in Connecticut.  It must have been in the fall sometime.  When they got back, I asked my brother all about his trip.  He was so excited about it!  The one thing I remember him telling me was that it was cold, and that all the trees' leaves were different colors.  He said they were yellow and red, and orange!!  Well,  THAT'S when I decided I had had enough. I chose THAT moment to stand my ground and say, "NO MORE!" to his insane trickery!!!  I just looked at him and said, "IF YOU THINK,  I'M GOING TO BELIEVE THAT STORY, YOU ARE CRAZY!!"  He was insistent, "no, really!  The trees were all changing colors and it was really pretty!"  I just looked at him and shook my head and said, "you're a jerk!" and I walked away from him, never believing his wild story. 

Again, it wasn't until years later that I realized  he was telling the truth!!  Imagine that?  So, I guess when it comes to me: fool me once, shame on me,.... fool me a few more times ......I guess I'll still believe you, but I'll just think you're a big jerk.  You would think that  I could recognize truth when I hear it.  All I know is that going through life questioning everything is too exhausting,