Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Channeling My Inner Andy Rooney

Is it just me, or do you also think people who cross the street as slow as possible deserve to be hit? I am talking about the punk-ass kids who not only walk slow, but who barely move at all.  The ones that, in a race with a sloth, would loose.  The ones who are wearing the Vans shoes; two-sizes too big, half-way down the butt, pants; over-sized hoody zip (black, of course, in 80 degree-plus weather), and  wearing earphones so they can tune out and pretend to not see you. 

I was at a light trying to turn right while all the little punks from the high school were crossing the road to get to school, which I guess, is a good thing.  They all barely got to the other side of the road in time, except for two people;  Mr Punk-Ass, and Little-old-lady, who's about 125.  Little-Old-Lady was doing her darndest to get across that street.  Mind you, this is an 8 lane road, and she was "running" to get to the other side, all the while, she was waving, apologizing to every car that was stopped, she was the sweetest thing! ....Not Punk-Ass,  he was walking so slow, that he couldn't get to the halfway mark before his time was up. Little-Old-Lady PASSED Punk-Ass and beat him to the other side!  Major fail, Punk-Ass, MAJOR.

I think this punk-ass attitude shows a complete disrespect and lack of consideration to other people. This attitude of, "it's all about me" really ought to be nipped in the bud early. If he moves that slow, there is no way he makes it to classes.  That means he wont graduate, which means he cant get a good job, which means he will be a punk-ass for the rest of his life... and yes, I can tell ALL that just by the way he crosses the street.

I think that instead of stopping and waiting for them to cross,  we ought to have the right, ..nay DUTY, to run them over.  Come on, if they can pretend not to see us, can't we pretend not to see them?  No? How about if we just nick them?.... a slight nudge?.... a gentle push?.... darn.